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10:27 AM
1:16 PM
by: Richard Jacobson
How do you choose with 60 million choices?
Search Google for "homes based business", "home based business opportunity", or "work from home" and you'll get a total of more than 60 million page results.
You are a member of the largest group at any time in history seeking to start their own business. And most of those 60 million Google results want to sell you a business opportunity or home based business advice or supply products for you to sell from your new business.
1. Pick a high income business opportunity
If you're going to put in all the hard work required to make your business a success, then pick one with a good potential for profit. By this I don't mean you should only sell high ticket items. You can make a fortune selling $5.oo items if there's a big enough demand.
Use the Yahoo/Overture keyword suggestion tool
Type in the product you're thinking of selling. Be specific. If you want to sell baseball caps to fit children, enter "children's baseball caps" or "little league baseball caps" or some other related phrase. This will give you an idea of how many people looked for information on your product in the previous month.
Now go to your favorite search engine and type the same description. The number of results will give you an idea of the amount of competition you will have. Competition is good. It means there are profits to be made. You may need to offer something extra or refine your market to a smaller group or niche or come up with a new and better way to market your product to beat out that competition.
This exercise is beneficial even if your not going to sell on the internet.
2. Chose a proven income opportunity
For this requirement let's look briefly at Avon (this is not an endorsement either for or against
A long track record is good, but not as important if the product is great and they have a solid marketing plan and tools to help you succeed. Look for testimonials on their website from others who have had success with the company you are researching.
3. Don't go broke trying to make your fortune
Unless you have a substantial nest egg built up to finance your business startup, then you'll need to find a business with low startup costs. Most home based businesses typically involve selling over the phone, direct mail, home parties (such as Home Interiors) or the internet.
Any of these can be started out small and part-time (while you are still working your job). As profits start to come in you can reinvest in and grow your company (and eventually quit that job).
Find a company that doesn't require you to fill your home with inventory or charge a huge membership fee. Also, make sure there's an easy way to end your business relationship if you find they're not a good match for you.
4. Earn while you learn
Starting a business without doing the proper research and preparation would be like diving into an empty swimming pool. The results would be unpleasant at best.
Go to Amazon.com and pick out a book or two on starting a small business. Check out catalogs and websites of successful companies related to the field you're interested in. Subscribe to a few industry newsletters and/or magazines both on the internet and off. Use the information you get to set goals for your business and plans to reach those goals.
If the company you associate with offers any marketing plans or materials that's a big plus. They'll have invested money, time and testing into developing those materials to give you a jump start. They know that whatever helps you will help them also.
Then get started. Don't succumb to "paralysis by analysis", where you become so overwhelmed by incoming information that you can't decide where to start. Jump in, get you feet wet, apply what you've learned. Keep applying what you learn as you grow. The learning never stops. When you've reached your original goals, you'll be looking to expand or diversify your business.
5. Make it fun
This may be the most important requirement in selecting a home based business. Do something you really enjoy. Yes, rolling in money is fun, but that's not going to happen for awhile.
You won't have a boss making sure you show up for work every day in order to collect your paycheck. Selecting something you have a real interest in and really enjoy doing will be a great incentive to showing up for work (at home) every day so you can collect your big paycheck. To your success.
Copyright © 2006 Keesee-Bennett Company
Courtesy of: The Internet Home Business Specialist
About The Business Articles Author
Richard Jacobson is president of the Keesee-Bennett Company, an information marketing company. http://RJacobson1.successuniversity.com/slim
Taking one step at a time up the ladder of success.
11:03 AM
The most popular reasons that people fail with Internet Home Businesses, are that they either expect everything to happen straight away with no effort, or have no time, no money or just lack the motivation to keep on going through the hard and quiet times.
Here are 10 Steps that you can take to keep your business on a roll and making it successful.
Step 1: MIND SET
This is actually very overlooked yet is one of the most important parts in creating a successful Internet or Home Based Business. You need to stay focused, motivated, persistent and consistent and have the drive to get things done even when you don't feel like doing them.
A very good way to do this, is get everything out of the way around your house etc, like chores. So when it's time to sit down and get your work done you have complete focus.
Step 2: Find Your Quiet Space
If you do not have a spare room to set up your office, then you are going to need to find a quiet area around your house so you are not going to get distracted. Set your office up and make it feel like your office, put up a curtain if you need to just make it your space (Your quiet space).
If you have a family or are living with someone, set guidelines and or rules. Like when you are working you are not to be interrupted for a certain period of time.
Step 3: Create A Schedule
This is a very important step. I myself create a weekly schedule every week without fail. If you do not do this, your business will become a mess. Each week sit down somewhere quiet and away from the computer and write out the up coming weeks schedule for your business on paper.
Each day set yourself tasks that you need to complete and do them. This is going to help you get a heck of alot done and in actually a shorter period of time compared to sitting down at the computer and trying to decide what to do for that day.
Step 4: Business Plan
What is the point in having a business without a plan. If you are with an affiliate program most will have a plan in place, but you are also going to need your own. This is going to take alot of research but is going to be very beneficial for you and your business in the long run.
Search on Google and Yahoo and type in the search box "Internet Business Plans" or "How To Create a Business Plan" etc. And every so often tweak it, keep what is working and make it better and dump what isn't.
Step 5: Setting Goals
To keep you motivated and driven to succeed you are going to need to set long term and short term goals. Long term might be quitting your job within a year, and your short term goal might be to pay off your car loan within 6 months.
Again as your business grows your goals will change. And this is a good thing, keep changing your goals as you see fit.
So there you have it. 5 Steps to help your Internet or Home Based Business succeed. Follow these steps, tweak them if you have to but just stay focused and driven. It is also a great plan to show to your sales team or downline.
About The Business Articles Author
Campbell Shaw works at home as a full-time internet marketer. For an Internet Home Business you can trust in, don't miss: http://www.freeinternationalbusiness.com
3:56 PM
You only need to look at the headlines to see what your future may hold, and it isn’t pretty.
Corporate bankruptcies that wipe out employee pension funds, while CEO’s not only keep their jobs, but are paid millions; many homes working the first half of the year just to pay their tax bills.
The bleak future of social security that at best may force many Americans to work until age 70, if it exists at all and most recently the report that personal savings for 2006 dropped to the lowest level in 74 years.
Any of these separately are bad enough, but many workers are the victim of several of these, creating an uncertain future for themselves and their families.
What’s the answer? To many, like me, that has come in the form of a home business. Thousands each year are turning to a home business as a way to supplement or replace their income and provide them with the time freedom that they desire to pursue other interests (besides fighting traffic, being at the beck and call of a boss, and working to make other people significant sums of money, while barely getting by themselves).
But, what should one look for when deciding what business they should pursue?
Here are the major points that I suggest:
- Look for a business that offers products that are consumable. Security comes in creating residual streams of income (those that pay you over and over for work you do once).
The best consumable products are those used on a monthly basis: subscriptions, telephone services, and nutritional products are just a few examples that fall into this category.
Perhaps you could have a home business selling bowling balls, but you would constantly need to be on the lookout for new customers and never have a business that provides you with a “walk away income.”
High quality products, consumed on a regular (monthly) basis, that provide a service that the customer will use long-term, will provide you with the kind of business you’re looking for.
- Select a business that can be built utilizing the power of the internet. Who wants to go from being tied to a desk to being tied to your own brick and mortar business? The internet makes it possible to business from virtually anywhere, 24/7 (in fact, I’m betting many of you will read this while I’m sleeping).
Home businesses used to have to be built locally, door to door, but no more. It’s just as easy today to get involved with a home business that offers an opportunity to build internationally, as it is to be strictly a local endeavor.
- Company stability is of major importance when selecting your home business. Remember, most businesses fail within the first five years after they launch, so be very careful getting involved with a company that hasn’t passed this benchmark.
The longer the company has been around, the better their track record and also the easier it is to get detailed information that will assist you in determining the legitimacy of the opportunity.
Also, it’s easier to gain information if the company is publicly traded as opposed to being privately held, as they are required to make documents such as financial records available to the public at large.
- Finally, look for a business where you can take advantage of a growing trend that appears to have staying power.
You just have to look back to see how many of today’s millionaires made their money, by getting in front of trends like computers, housing booms, etc.
Ok, there’s some serious food for thought when it comes to getting started with a home business.
There are other factors to be considered, but these are some of the major items that you need to get a handle on when making a decision as to which opportunity is best for you to build your future on (and your future is certainly better in your control and in the control of others).
Courtesy of: The Internet Home Business Specialist
About The Business Articles Author
Dr. Richard Norris has been creating residual streams of income through network marketing, affiliate programs and the creation of information products for several years.
If you are interested in learning more about the best way to get started successfully in a home business, visit http://fearorfreedom.smmsite.com
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